How To Get More Traffic To Your Website – Introduction
I know that one of the most frustrating things for you being an online entrepreneur is the fact that you have the drive and passion to set up a website but unfortunately you do not know how to get more traffic to your website. Don’t worry you are not alone!
You can have the best products or services out there, but if you can’t get eyes on your website then you’re fighting a losing battle.

Every day I see small businesses complaining that they don’t seem to get much visitors to their site. They think it’s all a waste of time. Etsy Accounts are being closed purely because the businesses aren’t getting any sales. It’s not Etsy’s fault, they DO NOT GUARANTEE YOU SALES!
Online business owners need to understand, if you opened a bricks and mortar business you would need to advertise your business to ensure people get to know you’re there.
Well, it’s the same in the online world, the world wide web is a mightly big place.
Stop thinking because you have an online or Etsy shop it’s not guaranteed that visitors will visit your site.
You need to understand that you must advertise and promote your site.
So over the next few blog posts I’m going to give you ideas on how you can promote and get traffic to your site without it costing the earth.
However, I will show you FREE ways and PAID ways to get more traffic to your website
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