How To Get Sales Without Actively Selling With This Little Known Secret
Obviously selling your products are very important to your business. Without sales you have no business. We know it can get difficult at times to get the sales in.
Do you find that no matter how much you promote and be enthusiastic on Social Media about your products – no-one seems to buy!
Do you get fed up of your family and friends complaining they are seeing “too much” of you “selling” your products on Social Media?
I know all this can be so demotivating and daunting. I’ve no doubt you’ve probably said to yourself “Why do I bother?”
Well fret no more I’m going to show you a way on how you can “sell” your products without actively “selling”.
So let’s get into the nitty gritty!
You are going to give value to your followers by writing an ebook and giving it away free to them.
I here you say, “but Elaine how an earth am I going to get sales by giving away a free ebook?”

Ok let me explain below, this is what you’re going to do step by step
- Find a problem that you can solve with one of your products.
e.g. if you are in the beauty business then you may have a product that can help Menopausal women who are struggling with dry skin. Menopausal women lose collagen and having collagen based skincare products can help solve their problem. - Now you’ve got a problem that you can solve, you now need to write an ebook about it.
- Within this ebook you add links to YOUR PRODUCTS that will help solve their problem
- Now the ebook is done all you need to do is give it away to everyone who you know will benefit form the solution you’ve written about.
Encourage anyone and everyone to share your ebook with their friends, family or even on their social media.
Can you imagine how viral your ebook can go?
So simple isn’t it?
Now if you’re unsure
- where to get the information to write about
- how to set up an ebook
- where to promote/distribute your ebook
Then I can show you exactly how to do this from start to finish with my new course which can be seen here >>>> TINY EBOOKS and here’s a cheeky little discount for you to get 25% OFF – Use code – 25OFFEBOOK

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