Blogging For Beginners – PART 3 – Where Can I Get Content?

Blogging For Beginners – PART 3 – Where Can I Get Content?

Content marketing demands a lot of attention.  You need to come up with new, original ideas on a constant basis so you can post regularly and keep your audience interested.  In turn this will bring in new traffic from Search Engines. The ultimate goal would be for people to think your content is so good…

Blogging For Beginners – PART 2 – What Blogging Platform Should I Use?

Blogging For Beginners – PART 2 – What Blogging Platform Should I Use?

There is no question that blogging is one of the best ways to get keyword rich content on your site, get your message on the search engines and get traffic to your website.  But how do you start blogging? When you consider starting a blog there are many options.  A great way to get started…